9 Comments on Craigslist Job posting scam Just recently a woman responded to a craigslist advertisement of a job as a house cleaner. The lady was very excited about the job because the employer informed her that he would give her a $2,400 check wherein she would get the $400 for her...
The IRS has implemented a procedure brought on by a new law, for those individuals earning more than $20,000 worth of items sold at Craigslist, Ebay and other online auctioning website and generate more than 200 electronic transactions should get an IRS form that they must fill up completely...
Nothing can be scarier than jumping ship to a new employer, especially one who is far from home, but I know that you will prosper. Best of luck! Brian M on June 20, 2008 06:34 PM #Geraldsaid: I've been reading your mysql work since back around 2000. Congrats on the new job at ...
But the idea that simply focusing on these kinds of things, and getting a BA attesting to the fact that you have done them, guaran- tees you will be successful in life is going the way of company pen- sions, job security, and careers consisting of a single employer for forty years....