I have never posted any or ever been on Craigslist Dallas back page or Craigslist for that matter. I didn't even know what Dallas back page was until a friend told me what it was. I am very upset and disturb by the whole thing. Please remove listing or I will be forced to add ...
dallasdallas fort worth nacogdochesdeep east texas delriodel rio eagle pass elpasoel paso galvestongalveston houstonhouston killeenkilleen temple ft hood laredolaredo lubbocklubbock mcallenmcallen edinburg odessaodessa midland sanangelosan angelo
(abi). Austin, TX (aus). Beaumont / port arthur (bpt). Brownsville, TX (bro). College station, TX (cst). Corpus christi, TX (crp). Dallas / fort worth (dal). Deep east texas (och). Del rio / eagle pass (drt). Galveston, TX (gls). Houston, TX (hou). Laredo, TX (lrd)...