Craigslist has long been the best classified sites for buying and selling stuff. Whether you are moving and while packing and unpacking have realized you have way too many things you don’t need or just looked at your basement, closet or attic and thought to yourself, “I need to get rid...
There are also many helpful sites like craigslist (even better than craigslist) to buy and sell used stuff online and today we are going to share a list of top 20 best craigslist alternatives for buying and selling used stuff on the internet. But before we explain you “what other websites...
OfferUp uses a mobile platform designed to make it easier to buy and sell stuff locally. The process is simple. Sellers can add items within minutes and buyers can easily browse thousands of items for sale in their area. The platform includes a chat feature. Buyers and sellers can communicate...
But, unlike other wannabe Craigslist killers, Facebook Marketplace has endured and improved over the years. These days, it's the app I use most when I need to sell stuff. Facebook Marketplace has several advantages that make it easier, faster and more trustworthy than Craigslist. Optimized ...
The box is correctly labeled with some astronomy items and symbols. On one side the kids put "DEATH RAY"in bold green duct tape. I had this on the side of the house where it could be seen from the street. I'm slightly known for wacky science stuff around here and the Death Ray on...
Craigslist, Scammers and Schmeckpepers - Craigslist is a free online classified ads site that's been around almost 30 years. It's a popular way to buy, sell, and trade goods or services locally. It's also used as a dating service, a job-hunting and recr
Another resource to get and give away free items as well as buy and sell stuff cheap is town email loops. My town has a neighborhood loop that is free to join. Users not only post when they have goods to give away or sell, but they also ask about and recommend new restaurants, local...
For many people, Craigslist remains a favorite marketplace to buy and sell items locally. But this is not your only local buy-and-sell website option. There are plenty of other free sites where you can post classified ads, sell used stuff, or buy second-second products. Some don't even...
Craigslist is an online marketplace contender, but there are many online alternatives to consider. And if you want to go beyond e-commerce,consignment stores, and garage sales continue to be popular places to sell your stuff. The job boards on Craigslist may not be able to compete with Linke...
Jen Wutz-Lopes sold a condominium on craigslist and bought a classic car on eBay, but she was...Watson, Stephen T