I live in Southern California now so I don't get to see my old neighborhood much any more. Tami M. Hi – I’ve been enjoying your website, Craig’sLostChicago, Kevin B. I really enjoy your site, Darren F. Hi, I loved looking at the old Chicago area pictures. I forgot to ...
California:sfbay, :bakersfield, :chico, :fresno, :goldcountry, :humboldt, :imperial, :inlandempire :losangeles, :mendocino, :merced, :modesto, :monterey, :orangecounty, :palmsprings, :redding :reno, :sacramento, :sandiego, :slo, :santabarbara, :stockton, :ventura, :visalia, :yubasutter...
During my initial time in Sacramento, I continued to work on FedEx projects and some banks, but as our Albertson’s work increased in Northern California and Nevada, I was mentored by Herb Winters from our Boise office and established a relationship with Mike Emmert of Albertson’s. Herb men...
When booze is half the price in California (as compared to Washington) you (or at least I do) tend to stock up. Amazing how driving around for a couple of hours (even if you are just the passenger) in the desert cities is taxing – who both took power naps on our return. ...
I’m so honored now so many decades after I literally ‘hit the San Francisco bricks’ as a teen with my Sacramento band’s press photo, and reel-to-reel demo-tape of our Jack Traylor & Steelwind album in hand, to try and get Live gigs in SF. Not long after trucking to Altamonte...
Zee and I got married at noon on July 13, a date artfully chosen by me in the hope that since it was my birthday, one of the four dates I usually remembered — the Others being New Year’s Day, Christmas, and the Fourth of July — I had a fighting chance of recollecting my anni...
Craigler.find('Boulevard M50', :in => :california, :only => :motorcycles) do |item| puts item.title puts item.url puts item.time endYou can also create a search object to fetch the results later. When no location or category is given Craigler searches :all_for_sale_or_wanted :in ...