And broke as I felt My wife and six kids with only five seat belts I needed help but couldn't admit I was strong Said Craig it's all good But he knew it all wasn't A hey man I'm praying for you would've been sufficient but nah He took roadside assistance to a Whole...
Hi. My name is Craig Rowland. I'm one of the program managers on the Windows Driver Kits team. I've been at Microsoft for almost eight years now. I've moved around between groups but have always been doing work related to Windows and driverDirect...
I have been writing stories for most of my life. I created Paracosmos as a platform for my stories, and use it to publish comic books and animated short films. I see filmmaking as an extension of my desire to tell stories. I created a YouTube series called The Space Around Us with ...
Things have really changed it's not like before I mean the vibes between us Nowadays are quite shaky And lately I ain't been feelin' you baby Somehow you left my interest wander And now I'm fond of someone else Who's diggin' me for me ...
I have purchased two houses with Craig (my residence and an investment property) He has always been a straight shooter and never failed me, even in the toughest of times. He successfully sold my house for top dollar, which was our 1st home that he originally found. He also found our new...
I never set out to do it! I have been an actor for a long time now and always adored comedy. I was working as a production runner a few years ago, driving cast around in a massive van and the girl (who is now one of my closest friends, Jahannah) who was a content creator said...
But now i'd give anything to have you alone now但是现在我愿意用我拥有的换你 Just tell me how只要告诉我如何去做就好 Must have been outta my mind当我让你走的时候 When I let you go (Oh yeah)我一定是疯了 Think about you all of the time总是想着你 Gotta let you know (Hmm)让你知道 ...
Do you want someone who has “been there, done that” to help you out and show you a clear path to the life and business you want? Then I canhelp you. Because I’ve been exactly where you are. I know the pain you’re experiencing and, more importantly, I know exactly how to hel...
I caught a review on YouTube where I thought the reviewer really nailed how to fix it–tell the story from Harley’s point of view. She has a philosophy for the Joker’s chaos and uses Arthur Fleck to become the next Joker. Done this way, there would have been a real dynamic and ...
Craig Schmalz: Benchers have to stop slamming the weight down on their chest and lift their butt off of the bench. Over-training is a huge factor and lack of knowledge on the proper exercises to give you that big bench. Also when I am at bench meets I see beginners using their bench...