《我的世界》CraftTweakerV1.18.2MODCraftTweaker是一款Minecraft mod,它允许modpack和服务器自定义游戏。使用CraftTweaker,您可以更改配方、编写事件脚本、添加新命令,甚至更改物品属性!当与其他MOD一起使用时,可能性变得无穷无尽。感兴趣的玩家快来3DM下载吧! MOD截图 安装说明 MOD适用于游戏版本v1.18.2,需要fabric...
CraftTweaker 基本类型PlayerReporting 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 3515 0 01:27 App CraftTweaker 入门基础准备 2365 1 02:57 App CraftTweaker 添加工作台配方 785 1 02:30 App CraftTweaker 尖括号引用 1329 0 02:07 App CraftTweaker 删除工作台配方 7.6万 150 03:50 App 无论哪个...
打开脚本文档,在()内粘贴你获得的信息 craftingTable.remove(<item:minecraft:iron_block>); 比如手持的铁块,那么复制进去应该是这样 然后Ctrl+s快捷键保存文档,进入游戏里输入指令/reload,加载脚本 左下角显示CraftTweaker重载完成,没有报错就没问题了,在jei里查看物品配方,可以看到物品配方消失了 【如果有报错请检查...
CraftTweaker allows modpacks and servers to customize the game. With CraftTweaker you can change recipes, script events, add new commands and even change item properties! - Download the Minecraft Mod CraftTweaker by jaredlll08 on Modrinth
《我的世界》CraftTweakerV1.19.2MODCraftTweaker是一款Minecraft mod,它允许modpack和服务器自定义游戏。使用CraftTweaker,您可以更改配方、编写事件脚本、添加新命令,甚至更改物品属性!当与其他MOD一起使用时,可能性变得无穷无尽。感兴趣的玩家快来3DM下载吧! MOD截图 安装说明 MOD适用于游戏版本v1.19.2,需要fabric...
With CraftTweaker you can change recipes, script events, add new commands and even change item properties! When used with other mods the possibilities become endless. Ranging from custom machine recipes to entirely new blocks and items! CraftTweaker lets you customize the game to your hearts ...
Mods 182,745,605 DownloadsLast Updated:3 days agoGame Version: 1.21.1+2 Download Install Downloading now... If it doesn’t, clickhere Manage your mods and addons with the CurseForge desktop app for Windows and macOS Download CurseForge App...
Tweak your minecraft experience. Contribute to CraftTweaker/CraftTweaker development by creating an account on GitHub.
CraftTweaker uses a custom scripting language called ZenScript, which is a fairly easy to learn language that fits CraftTweaker’s needs more than an already existing language would (such as JavaScript). This site will hopefully help guide you through everything that is possible with CraftTweaker, ...
CraftTweaker-fabric-1.17.1-8.0.0+36.jar Supported Versions 1.17.1 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementation "curse.maven:crafttweaker-239197:4611960" Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have disabled...