3.Positionfrontwheelsofthetractorsopackingandsetasideforassemblyof theyarepointingstraightforward.seattotractor. 4.Removesteeringwheeladapterfrom2.Pivotseatupwardandremovefrom steeringwheelandslideadapterontothecardboardpacking.Removethe steeringshaftextension.cardboardpackinganddiscard. 5.Positionsteeringwheelsocrossbar...
Craftsman tractors, also referred to as lawn tractors, are different from other riding mowers for several reasons. First, the cutting deck of the tractor is centrally located, beneath the seat, rather than in front of the seat like a riding mower. In addition, lawn tractors have a steering ...
Locate the blade engage lever on the right fender of the riding lawn mower next to the riding seat. Check that the lever is in the "off" position, if not move the lever until the blade is disengaged. The off position is when the lever is as far away from the front of the riding l...
Because the snow blower has power steering, it is balanced well and the controls are easy to use. You drive this snow blower with two small levers under the handles. No manhandling an awkward, heavy machine. No locked up solid axle that requires you to skid the wheels to turn. No “pi...
both rear wheels are tied to the front ones so BOTH rear wheels have traction on sidehills or going uphill. Even on a steeper sidehill, both rear tires are “driven.” Second, the front wheels are steerable so they will also help to hold the mower on the slope (like a lawn tractor)...
An oil change in a Craftsman riding mower requires replacement oil, anoil drain tube, a newoil filter,and astrap wrench. 1. Warm the Engine Run the engine for a few minutes to warm the oil so it flows better; then turn off the mower. Once the engine has cooled off a bit, remove ...