Crafting Tweaks adds a bit more functionality to the standard crafting table. You can now manipulate all the blocks you place in a table with the click of a single button. Say if you want to evenly distribute a bunch of blocks in the recipe of your choosing, then just hit the balance b...
Mod LoadersView all Forge Categories Miscellaneous Main File 1.12.2 CraftingTweaks_1.12.2-9.0.1.jar ReleaseR 1.12.2 Forge Jun 29, 2022 Recent FilesView all Minecraft 1.12 CraftingTweaks_1.12.2-9.0.1.jar ReleaseR 1.12.2 Forge Jun 29, 2022 Members CleanroomMCOwner serenibyssAuthorReport ...
我的世界1.20.2-1.7.10合成辅助 Crafting Tweaks Mod下载 合成辅助 Crafting Tweaks Mod由作者“BlayTheNinth”所制作。 该mod提供三个按钮和一些快捷键,用于简化和改善一些合成方式。 支持许多模组的工作台界面。 第一个按钮为顺时针旋转工作台内的物品。 按住Shift 时逆时针旋转。 第二个按钮为均分工作台内的物...
Tip: When installing mods, it’s important to use reliable sources and carefully follow installation instructions. Make sure the mods you choose are compatible with your version of Minecraft and other installed mods to avoid conflicts. Example: One popular mod is “Optifine,” which improves Minec...
Code Issues Pull requests Low-level Zip Library, allowing advanced tweaks (injecting/removing blocks, crafting special archives) zip crafting low-level injecting Updated Nov 14, 2024 C# Krutoy242 / mc-craft-tree Star 33 Code Issues Pull requests Visualize Minecraft recipes in browser recipes...
Horse Tweaks This mod adds a series of horse saddles with various effects. It also modifies the horse ai to always set 'home' position when you get off a horse preventing it from wandering very far. Moar Boats Modular boats that can be attached together like 'trains'. Some boats can crea...
当时也不知道什么花雨庭、惊变一百天,然后后来就开始玩网络游戏想找一种末日生存类的,找了几个都不满意,后来找到一个名为“mineZ”的(前面m大不大写忘了)觉得挺好玩就一直玩下去了,玩了一阵有一段时间 分享3赞 minecraft吧 2510141933 启示录,精英怪物,丧尸极限等mod合计生存(自己汉化整合)有人一起联机吗,...
Example: One popular mod is “Optifine,” which improves Minecraft’s performance, enhances graphics, and adds additional customization options like advanced video settings and improved shader support. Texture Packs:Texture packs, also known as resource packs, alter the appearance of in-game textures...
it’s worth remembering that CraftingCraft hasn’t really been designed to be a standalone mod so if you use it just by itself, it won’t really change a lot. However, if you use it in conjunction with the Crafting Tweaks mod, you’ll see that it adds quite a lot of functionality ...
importnet.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager;//导入依赖的package包/类@OverridepublicIGuideElement[] loadElements() { String[] txt =newString[]{"Heyo","This is just a test of a new algorithm for my little guide :D","","Nice to meet ya","Ya boi","","","Hehehehe",""};return...