Craft to Exile 2(放逐之路2):内容详解&流程攻略 Craft to Exile 2(放逐之路2)是一个独特的冒险向整合包。它拥有等级系统、职业系统、技能树、品质/宝石/光环系统等多种玩法,趣味性十足。此外,该整合包选用的内容模组均已十分成熟,其画风和谐、制作精良,玩起来毫无违和感。虽然该整合包仍然处于测试阶段,但其内...
整合包Wiki: 整合包Curseforge页面: 任务汉化地址:链接: 提取码: mcte 教程(Curseforge渠道安装汉化(总之是找有模组文件夹的...
Craft-to-Exile-2 / Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History History Changelog [0.8.4b] - 2024-12-11 Updated links to Discord to use new custom URL: Added a new Plate Chest Unique thats really hard to find. ...
百度贴吧 聊兴趣,上贴吧 立即打开 打开百度贴吧 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 相关吧 查看更多 pathofexile吧 关注25.9W 我的世界联机吧 我注册了2 CrafttoExile-Harmony 1.6.5 联机 高素质玩家的可以来(rpg+多职业+多技能)想玩的加群审核 627879191非24小时服务器(每天0~9点关服) 13赞 minecraft服务器吧 lxyun_2...
A Minecraft modpack that aims to turn MC into an ARPG similar to Path of Exile and Diablo II. Focused progression and exploration is the main goal of the modpack. - Add files via upload · mahjerion/Craft-to-Exile-2@7cf3a8c
1.20.1 Cra..目前两个人 一般晚上玩 有麦!!!不炸!!! 暂时没有正版(错过打折)在用PCL2 目前在玩Craft to Exile 2整合包欢迎萌新大佬一起开荒
Craft of Exile is a crafting simulator for Path of Exile designed to compute the probabilities of obtaining specific results through different methods.
Craft of Exile is a crafting simulator for Path of Exile designed to compute the probabilities of obtaining specific results through different methods.
Progression is the main theme ofCraft to Exile [Dissonance]. Progress throughThe Bumblezone,Endergetic Expansion,Atum 2, Good Night's Sleep,Midnight, andTofu Worldas you strengthen your character and hone your build. Alternatively, take a break and go to a side dimension such as theAdvanced Min...
Bagel server - Craft to Exile 2 v0.6.1c Donut server - Steampunk [LPS] v23.5 Grits server - All the Mods 9 - To the Sky v1.0.7 Gravy server - Vanilla+ 1.21 (Joinable with vanilla client, many QoL mods and datapacks!) Hope to see you on!