4, technology [U] 应用技术;工艺技术;技术学;尤指“工业技术”,常与 science并列使用。如:science and technology // He was accepted by a local college of science and technology. // The great American achievement has been less in science itself than in technology // an automobile’s fuel-saving...
CRAFT Tech, a leader in high-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) services, that provides solutions for Aerospace, Defense, Energy, and National Security.
In this issue of , you will read wonderful articles and interviews from corporation leaders and industry experts, learn about the development and future business trends of YIZUMI, and master the cutting-edge technology and technological innovation. Here, you will read our comprehensive advanced ...
跨界铁三角Craft Design Technology 重新定义当代文具 2005 年成立于日本东京 Craft Design Technology,简称 CDT,对文具的观点无需赘言,已经用命名概括了其全部理念:「Craft」「Design」「Technology」,代表工艺、设计、技术三者,各自为营又相辅相成,这便是 CDT 眼里当代文具该具备的品质。 拥有这样见地的幕后团队分量十...
Craft 工艺,Design 设计,Technology 技术,组成 Craft Design Technology 名字的三个单词分别代表三个领域,体现了 CDT 的理念:将日本传统工艺与现代设计、技术创新融合起来,打造兼具优雅外观和实用功能的文具,让使用者感受到设计品质的价值。 Craft Design Technology 的文具为何这么有魅力?它们是如何设计出来的?这么优秀的...
Silicon Craft Technology Thailand Silicon Craft Technology (SIC) is a world’s leader and provider of Innovative RFID and NFC IC Solutions. SIC offers novel, custom, and standard design microchips for RFID applications and delivers products that carry high value-added features and superior overall ...
Craft Technology and Barriers to Innovation and Social Change in Mughal India (1526-1707)Neelam Chaudhary
Spacecraft technology Current Science (00113891)Katti, V. R.Thyagarajan, K.Shankara, K. N.Kumar, A. S. Kiran
The Journal of Aircraft and Spacecraft Technology is devoted to the advancement of the applied science and technology of aircraft and spacecraft through the publication of original archival papers. Papers are sought that describe advances in technology, material developments, modelling, design methodologie...