The inspiration image (Image 1) below shows a tiny sparrow in the same color palette as the field of lingering Queen Anne’s Lace flowers. The stems are dominant in the foreground where the sparrow is perched. The darkest feathers match the stem coloring. And the sky in the background is...
DFW Craft Shows is more than just a website, it's a community, both online and off. For over a decade, we have been promoting events and artisans in the extended Dallas / Fort Worth area.MORE Email *** Facebook Followers 16.3KTwitter Followers 805Instagram Followers 2.1K...
and, well, welivein it! Plus it’s after midnight and I’m in comfy pants. So?) Now, you should have two folders taped together as one big “privacy folder.” The second picture shows you that you can individually fold the two folders, and the third picture...
This truly shows the incredible entrepreneurial spirit that is deeply embedded in the ethos of Stone and illustrates the same spirit that guides us to this day! This is proof positive that you can actually brew great beers AND be successful in this country. Quality and integrity in this day ...
We had visitors last weekend so my dinner plan worked perfectly, almost everything can be prepared ahead of time leaving just the steaks to fry off in a good pan to medium rare, with a good long rest afterwards during which all the last little fiddly bits can come together. I served the...
More Than Half Of Beer Drinkers Are Open To Trying Marijuana-Infused Beverage Alternatives, Study Shows (February, 4) – As interest in alcohol alternatives continues to grow while more states move to legalize marijuana, a new study signals that there’s a significant market opportunity for beer...
The second thing is a couple days ago I found out that Mixed Media which includes the location of my old puzzle shop, and also a bunch of nearby buildings in the area are to be torn down and a bus depot built at the location. I visited Mixed Meda location on Saturday. The old shop...
This is an outdoor event located in a lovely pastoral spot in southern Bella Vista. It’s a great addition to your craft show adventures located on the route between the shows at War Eagle Mill and the Bella Vista Arts & Crafts Festival. When the season cooperates, the hills surrounding ...
I’m getting my ideas ready for this project but I’m not clear on the photo that shows how/where the plywood is attached to the cabinets. Can you please clarify this for me? TIA! howtonestforless says at To attach the plywood to the cabinets, we used L brackets on the underside...
If you say ‘war’ just once more, I’ll go in the house and shut the door. I’ve never gotten so tired of any one word in my life as ‘war,’ unless it’s ‘secession.’ Although this makes Scarlett pretty shallow up front, Mitchell gradually shades in the character to give us...