Learn how to sew a fidget blanket for dementia patients using materials that make this process as easy as possible for you, the crafter. Rather than making your own weighted insert, carefully measuring beads to fill each section, Fairfield has done that work for you. This allows you to conce...
6. Suffering from dementia or other cognitive disorders 7. Not speaking Danish 8. Being psychotic or otherwise severely mentally ill 9. Have been in treatment for AUD in the last three months 10. Being concerned about a person who, according to the CSO, mainly uses illegal substances...
Your character, Hirst, in Harold Pinter’s playNo Man’s Land, appears to be coping with dementia. How did you prepare for that role? Quite a few years ago, I did a movie—which unfortunately was never released—about a character who was in the early stages of demen...
You can make your aquariums with clear water, or add a few drops of blue food coloring for that deep blue ocean feel! Also, I do suggest usingplastic mason jarsinstead of glass, for safety reasons! Get full list of supplies and directions in the printable version at the end of this pos...
The present invention relates to a decorative device for crafts with an NFC function, and more particularly, to help guide the work so that even ordinary people who do crafts, dementia patients, the elderly, the disabled, and students who are new to crafts can create crafts. As an invention...