New Zealand's ultimate trade source for imported craft beer. New Zealand's biggest range of craft beer from from countries like Belgium, Netherlands, America, Australia and New Zealand
Australian & International craft beer store. Shop for beers, glasses and gifts. Australia wide delivery - order online or visit our Sydney beer store.
Wellington is known as the craft beer capital of New Zealand. With breweries spread across central Wellington, Upper Hutt and the Kāpiti Coast, finding the perfect spot for a beer is easy.
BEER O'CLOCKIN THE BAY It’s not surprising that the Bay’s relaxed, down to earth lifestyle has given rise to an innovative – and impressive – craft beer scene you'll find anywhere in the land. Each Brewery has their own unique story, taste and technique when it comes to crafting ...
Double Vision Brewing is a craft beer brewery and taproom in the heart of Miramar, Wellington. At Double Vision Brewing we simply aspire to be your very own 'Home Brewery' by creating the kind of damn fine beer that delivers mouth parties at your place.
这是野鹅微醺与小荷酿造的一款合酿作品。这款浑浊IPA借鉴了法餐中的重要理念:层和卷(ROULADE)。我们选用了四种新西兰酒花,这四种酒花层次味道层层递进,卷曲在一起,互相渗透叠加。入口时,四种风味依次绽放,交织出清新而浓郁的水 果香气,即有饱满多汁的口感,又展现出浓烈的花香和水果风味,将新西兰风土的自然之美娓娓...
Wild Kite New Zealand Coastline NZ Hop Pilsner产地: 新西兰 风格: 拉格啤酒 皮尔森 酒精度: 4.8% 苦度(IBU): N/A 色卡: 1 总体评分 N/A 3.66 分 4 条评论 想喝: 1 喝过: 13 啤酒简介 如果你见过新西兰海岸线的壮丽景色,就一定会喜欢这款酒。浅黄色的透亮酒体和清新怡人的香气,让人仿佛置身...
Wild Kite New Zealand Coastline NZ Hop Pilsner (Can) 产地:中国 风格: 拉格啤酒 皮尔森 酒精度: 4.8% 苦度(IBU): N/A 色卡: 1 总体评分N/A 3.70 分 3 条评论 想喝: 0 喝过: 3 啤酒简介 如果你见过新西兰海岸线的壮丽景色,就一定会喜欢这款酒。浅黄色的透亮酒体和清新怡人的香气,让人仿佛置身于...
这是献给塔斯曼海对岸的优秀啤酒花种植者的啤酒。位于Upper Moutere的埃格斯道蜿蜒经过种植这款啤酒中所使用啤酒花的农场。布鲁斯(Bruce)是Freestyle Hops啤酒花公司为纪念先驱者