In a conventional chemical process design, the main focus is on the process economy resulting in the generation of huge amounts of waste materials within the process. Such design approach demands end-of-pipe treatment, which is neither profitable due to the hefty costs of the installation and ...
设计方案DERIVATION PROCESS 每一支塑料牙刷都是严重的环境污染,我们应该加强塑料的回收和重复利用工作,并减少塑料制品的使用,采用无害的可降解的材料。 解决策略 思考之后提出解决策略,来自NOS的Everloop牙刷通过使用可回收的塑料手柄和一次性的竹刷毛来解决环境污染这一问题。这款牙刷采用了一种独特的“Cradle to Cradle...
their packaging for Material Health Certificates, we sat down with their Co-founder and COO John Mascari to talk about the process. To date, all of Blueland’s products and most of their packaging have achieved Platinum Material Health Certificates from the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation [...
Cradle to Cradle® baseert zich op natuurlijke processen en past deze toe op menselijke activiteiten. Drie kernprincipes staan hierbij centraal: Afval is voedsel: Alles is een grondstof voor iets nieuws In de natuur dragen alle processen bij aan het ecosysteem. Bloesem wordt voedsel voo...
This book is a spirited, smart, engaging guide to practicing effective, evidence-based sustainable design. Based on the Cradle to Cradle (C2C) Home Competition, organized by Gregg Lewis, AIA, and developed to operationalize cradle to cradle design principles while addressing housing needs in Roanoke...
Cradle-to-Cradle Home Design: Process and Experience The C2C Home Competition was based on the principles laid out in the seminal work by William McDonough and Michael Braungart's Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things. Some of the book's principles - which include ... A Marshal...
Cradle-to-Cradle Home Design: Process and Experience This book is a spirited, smart, engaging guide to practicing effective, evidence-based sustainable design. Based on the Cradle to Cradle (C2C) Home Competition, organized by Gregg Lewis, AIA, and developed to operationalize cradle to cra... ...
The core Cradle to Cradle concept is to model industrial processes on natural ones – what is known as the “biomimetic” approach. In the natural world, there is no such thing as “waste” – everything is recycled down to every atom. Ambitiously, the C2CPII says its ultimate goal is ...
The Cradle to Cradle Certified®Product Standard was created by Michael Braungart and William MacDonough in the nineties and intended to create an integrated and consistent Circular Economy approach. The Standard guides designers and manufacturers through a continual improvement process that looks at a...
Cradle to cradle waste management manages the waste (biological or technical) by making the waste into nutrients for the next process or product. What does cradle-to-cradle mean? Cradle to cradle is a business strategy that imitates the processes of nature. This means that once a product is ...