题目:XML文件的冗余度很大,主要在于尖括号里的字段名。按照书上给定的方式进行压缩。 解法:这题我居然忘做了,只写了一句话的注解。用python能够相对方便地实现,因为有直接的XML工具可以调用。书上的那种要求应该是符合前序遍历规则。 代码: 1#17.10 Parse an XML file, and try to save some space by mapping...
Cracking the Coding Interview(1) DeepLearn(6) GNUPLOT(1) HihoCoder(4) Interview(44) Java(1) Linux命令学习笔记(7) Mysql(2) Octave(1) Python(4) python获取DBLP数据集(1) Redis(3) Shell(4) 更多 随笔档案 2018年2月(1) 2017年11月(1) 2017年10月(1) 2017年9月...
Now in the 5th edition, Cracking the Coding Interview gives you the interview preparation you need to get the top software developer jobs. This is a deeply technical book and focuses on the software engineering skills to ace your interview. The book is over 500 pages and includes 150 programmi...
出处:http://hawstein.com/2013/01/04/5.5/ Previous Cracking the coding interview--Q5.4 Next Cracking the coding interview--Q5.6 FEATURED TAGS Linux Algorithm CC150 AlgoCasts Scala 小结 Data Structure Indie Hacker Reading C++ Python 随笔Copyright...
My suggestion is to stick to Python. It’s easier and is a better tool to solve these problems. Embedded systems theory What’s the difference between SPI and I2C? When do you declare something to be static? Leetcode is a great way to assess your coding ability (or is it? There’s...
The project can be developed purely on Windows without WSL by using Visual Studio 2017. First clone the code: git clone https://github.com/alexhagiopol/cracking-the-coding-interview.git cd ctci git submodule update --init Then, install Python3 and numpy using your method of choice. I prefe...
This repo has cracking the coding interview solutions in python. This repo has a lot of code to understand python concepts, coding, challenges, mini projects, exercises and algorithm implementation for sorting, searching, hashing and abstract data structure. ...
Now in the 4th edition, Cracking the Coding Interview gives you the interview preparation you need to get the top software developer jobs. This book provides: * 150 Programming Interview Questions and Solutions: From binary trees to binary search, this list of 150 questions includes the most com...
Nowadays both coding interview has changed and you also have access top notch online courses on coding interviews like this Master the Coding Interview: Big Tech (FAANG) Interviews by Andrei Negaoie or Grokking Coding interview courses on DesignGuru, and many others , so the big question comes ...
一、The Interview Process At most of the top tech companies (and many other companies), algorithm and coding problems form the largest component of the interview process. Think of these as problem-solving questions. The interviewer is looking to evaluate your ability to solve algorithmic problems ...