题解:书上给的是两个 1D array 存放一行和一列是否为应该set 为0. row[i] = 0 代表第 i 行为 0, col[j] = 0 代表第 j 列为 0. time complexity: O(N*N), space complexity: O(N) View Code 可以把空间压缩成O(1)的,使用两个变量标记第0行和第0列是否应该为0,然后用第0行和第0列代替...
1.7编写一个算法,若MxN的矩阵中某个元素为0,则将其所在的行与列都清零。 解答:LeetCode上也有这道题。可以用一个长度为M的数组和一个长度为N的数组分别记录有0的行和列。此外也可以利用矩阵本身的存储空间,用其中的一行一列来记录该结果。以下代码基于后一种方法。 1voidsetZero(int**matrix,intm,intn) ...
Cracking the Coding Interview是风靡码工面试圈的一本书,包括Google雇佣的那帮文科生Recruiter也把它郑重地放在推荐列表里,不过我想说的是这是一本不折不扣的问题书籍! 首先说我是有资格评价它的,我以前把它…
SELECT*fromRBFULLOUTERJOINCFBONRB.Code=CFB.Code 关于连接,维基百科讲得非常好,看它就OK了:连接(SQL) 全书题解目录: Cracking the coding interview–问题与解答 全书的C++代码托管在Github上:
Microsoft wants smart people. Geeks. People who are passionate about technology. You probably won't be tested on the ins and outs of c++ APls, but you will be expected to write code on the board. The Amazon Interview Definitely Prepare: ...
Cracking the Codehas transformed the way guitarists learn. We pioneered the use of slow motion video to reveal techniques used by world-class players that weren’t being explicitly taught, but absolutelyshould be. Along the way, we created many of the concepts and terminology that are now used...
We can’t simply grind Leetcode 75 like our software engineering peers. Nevertheless, here’s a handy playbook to help you crack the (embedded) coding interview. Leetcode Wait what? You just said we wouldn’t have to do Leetcode! Well, there’s good news and bad news. The bad ...
Cracking the Coding Interview Diego Aguirre Problem Solving IDEAL is nice and helpful, but is that all we need to solve hard programming problems? What’s missing? Problem Solving Remember the E in IDEAL? Problem Solving Explore possible strategies or solutions Nice…, but HOW? It would be nic...
Cracking the Codehas transformed the way guitarists learn. We pioneered the use of slow motion video to reveal techniques used by world-class players that weren’t being explicitly taught, but absolutelyshould be. Along the way, we created many of the concepts and terminology that are now used...
《Cracking the Coding Interview》——第14章:Java——题目2 2014-04-26 18:59 −2014-04-26 18:44 题目:在java的try-catch-finally语句块里,如果catch里面有return语句的话,finally还会被执行吗? 解法:会。 代码: 1 // 14.2 Will the code in finally {} be executed if th... ...