原题链接:https://leetcode.cn/problems/cracking-the-safe/description/ 题目要求的是,某个时刻能够打开保险箱的任一最短密码序列,需要包含所有密码子串
The speed at which Reaver can test pin numbers is entirely limited by the speed at which the AP can process WPS requests. Some APs are fast enough that one pin can be tested every second; others are slower and only allow one pin every ten seconds. Statistically, it will only take half...
If one has a connected GPS receiver, then Airodump-ng can also log the coordinates of the found APs. The basic usage is airodump-ng <options> <interface>, where <options> indicates one or more options to be used while running the tool; and <interface> indicates the monitor mode interface...
the Wi-Fi cuts out. They can still see the network, but every attempt to connect to it immediately fails. Other devices are unable to connect to the network as well, and they begin to notice that not just one device, but every Wi-Fi device, has ...