4.A Measurement of the Cuspal Inclination in the Maxillary Molars with Cracked Tooth Syndrome and Its Stress Analysis;上颌隐裂磨牙牙尖斜度的测量研究与应力分析 5.Samsara of Fate & Secret Anguish in Life:--Interpretation of the Narrative Crack of Crescent Moon;命运的轮回 生命的隐痛——解读《月牙儿...
3.A Measurement of the Cuspal Inclination in the Maxillary Molars with Cracked Tooth Syndrome and Its Stress Analysis;上颌隐裂磨牙牙尖斜度的测量研究与应力分析 4.The Domestic Incidence of Spina Bifida Occulta in China and Related Factors国人腰骶椎隐裂发生率特点及相关因素 5.Short-term Clinical Study...