crack the door open 把门打开一个小缝 It's so hot in here—can we at least crack the door open?这里简直太热了,我们能把门打开一个小缝吗?I cracked open the door to peek out. They are sitting on the couch and whispering. 我把门打开一个小缝向外偷看,他们正坐在沙发上窃窃私语。 Just...
18. to subject to the process of cracking, as in the distillation of petroleum. 19. Informal. a. to open and drink (a bottle of wine, liquor, etc.). b. to open slightly, as a window or door. c. to open (a book) in order to study or read. 20. crack down, to take ...
If we just open the door a crack, the light comes pouring in. 只要把门打开一丝缝隙,光就会倾泻而入 #早安##学为贵四六级##四六级学长的每日英语分享[超话]#
相比'break open'强调破坏性开启(如破门而入break open a door),'crack open'更侧重精准施力后的可控开启。例如开椰子时若用锤子敲出裂缝属于crack open,而暴力砸碎则接近break open。在情感表达层面,'crack open a smile'描述勉强露出笑容,比'break into a smile'更体现克制感。 四、...
open(v.):打开。比较宽泛的打开的动作,不强调像“crack open”那样略带用力破开的感觉。例如:“Open the box and see what's inside.(打开盒子看看里面有什么。)” unlock(v.):开锁;开启。侧重于解锁的动作,通常用于门、箱子等有锁的东西。例如:“Unlock the door so we can get in.(打开门锁这样我们就能...
声音简介 Today’s expression and dialog:to crack openWho’s smoking in there?Me.Crack open the window, dirty man.Sorry~ 松仁玉米_rz crack open the door /window 2022-06赞 回复@松仁玉米_rz 表情0/300发表评论 其他用户评论 Yuyu_joy just a little bit 2022-01回复赞 ...
开瓶;(尤指)开瓶饮酒to open a bottle, especially of wine, and drink it玩笑 a joke 说(笑话);开(玩笑)to tell a jokenoun 裂缝 break 裂纹;裂缝a line on the surface of sth where it has broken but not split into separate partsThis cup has a crack in it.这杯子有一道...
开瓶open bottle 9. [t] (informal) ~ (open) a bottle 开瓶;(尤指)开瓶饮酒to open a bottle, especially of wine, and drink it 玩笑a joke 10. [t] (informal) ~ a joke 说(笑话);开(玩笑)to tell a joke IDM get cracking (informal) ...
I slipped and cracked my head on the door. 我滑了一跤,头磕在了门上。 【例句】 Shecrackedhimover the headwith a hammer. 她用锤子狠狠地砸他的头。 4. 【释义】 NOT BE ABLE TO CONTINUE无法继续,[I]to be unable to continue doing something because there is too much pressure and you do ...