查找hashcat模式编号--此处的hash值和上文的hash值3的算法类型相同,所以此处hash值的模式编号也是1400 。 使用hashcat进行hash破解(先将要破解的hash值 保存至kali机上的hash6.txt文件中) bash hashcat -m 1400 hash6.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt 破解结果为:paule NTLM HASH hash值7:1DFECA0C002...
运行john --show hashes.txt 可查看已破解的密码 john shadow hellokitty (root) (2)方法2:使用 hashcat -a 指定攻击模式 0(字典攻击)、1(组合攻击)、3(掩码暴力破解) -m 哈希类型 0(MD5)、1000(NTLM)、1800(SHA-512) -D 硬件加速设备 1(CPU)、2(GPU,推荐) -o 保存破解结果 指定输出文件路径(如...
(25.82ms) @ Accel:32 Loops:1024 Thr:1024 Vec:8 Speed.#*...: 561.6 GH/s Hashmode: 1000 - NTLM Speed.#1...: 97345.5 MH/s (23.26ms) @ Accel:32 Loops:1024 Thr:1024 Vec:8 Speed.#2...: 90608.6 MH/s (25.08ms) @ Accel:32 Loops:1024 Thr:1024 Vec:8 Speed.#3...: 97093.7 ...
1 Hashmode: 1000 - NTLM Speed.#1...: 35999.6 MH/s (74.05ms) @ Accel:64 Loops:1024 Thr:1024 Vec:1 Hashmode: 1100 - Domain Cached Credentials (DCC), MS Cache Speed.#1...: 9568.0 MH/s (280.04ms) @ Accel:64 Loops:1024 Thr:1024 Vec:1 Hashmode: 1300 - SHA2-224 Speed.#1...:...
I use hashcat (https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat/). Rule are supposed to be compatible for john and hashcat or others. 3 rules exists to adapt to hashing algorithm speed. Large for fast hash algorithms like MD5/NTLM/MySQL3. Small for slow hash algorithms like bcrypt. ...
Extract authentication hashes and crack them using Hashcat (Kerberos, NTLM, CRAM-MD5, HTTP-Digest...) Build visual network diagram (Network nodes & users) Reconstruct all TCP & UDP Sessions File Carving Download Windows Prerequisites: WinPcap / Npcap driver (Wireshark installs one of this by...
Hash Type Total Cracked Left Uncracked Pct Cracked LanMan (LM) 2360 0 100% NT MD4 (NTLM) 28948 1873 94% UNIX DES 2808 4347 39% FreeBSD MD5 1557 3224 33% NS LDAP (SHA) 303 23 93% Salted SHA (SSHA) 3670 6912 35% Oracle 10 0 1000 0% Blowfish Crypt (bcrypt) 0 80...
Attacker has access to sensitive data such as router passwords, NTLM hashes, bcrypt (linux) hashes, MSSQL hahes, MD5, wpa2, etc Limited by computing power, which thanks to Amazon GPUs in the cloud is cheap and abundant. Not all hashes are equal – bcrypt and wpa2 are slow, MD5 and...
HackTheBox [Meachines] [Hard] Kotarak SSRF 端口扫描+AD域ntds.dit数据库文件恢复+TRP00F 跳关+authbind权限提升+wget-RCE权限提升原创 Web安全 #SSRF 端口扫描 #AD域ntds.dit数据库文件恢复 #TRP00F 跳关 #authbind权限提升 #wget-RCE权限提升
Kali = SHA512 hash Windows XP = LM Hash Windows 7 = NTLM Hash -m 0 (Each number is a different Hash Type) 0 = MD5 hash…. so we use -m 0 50 = HMAC-MD5….so we use -m 50 1000 = NTLM….so we use -m 1000 *** Step...