belay (go figure), and my nervousness for pitch three was heightened by reality. After two days, Hoai-Nam went to Los Angeles and I went northeast to the Utah desert to climb with my dear friends Danny and Ashley and take a break from theEgg. I was reinvigorated, writing in my ...
Continuum numerical modeling of dynamic crack propagation has been a great challenge over the past decade. This is particularly the case for anticracks in porous materials, as reported in sedimentary rocks, deep earthquakes, landslides, and snow avalanch
I actually got to punch a commie. Granted, he was a weak, noodle-y looking thing, but I got a shot in before the cops stepped in the middle of it and prevented more. I also got a souvenir from one of them. I kept offering
The SDNET dataset includes 56,092 images of cracked and non-cracked bridges, pavement, and wall surfaces. Images of bridge decks were obtained from the Systems, Materials, and Structural Health (SMASH) Laboratory at Utah State University, which houses a variety of full-scale bridge deck sections...
Here’s some advice from the construction page ofHow to Build a Home Climbing Wall: “The framework of the [crack system] can be attached to the support structure in a variety of ways, depending upon the design of your wall and the configuration of your support structure. Whatever method ...
Continuum numerical modeling of dynamic crack propagation has been a great challenge over the past decade. This is particularly the case for anticracks in porous materials, as reported in sedimentary rocks, deep earthquakes, landslides, and snow avalanches, as material inter-penetration further complica...
Students in classroom surprised by earthquake hiding under desks / Provo, Utah, United States 00:08 Woman preparing emergancy bag at home 00:12 Woman preparing emergancy bag at home 00:10 The children conduct an evacuation drill under the desk ...
In July this year, the U.S. states of Utah, New York, North Carolina, and Tennesseefiled a lawsuitagainst Google. The lawsuit, which was signed by 32 other U.S. states, alleged that Google engaged in monopolistic practices to maintain dominance in Android app distribution and payment process...
However, the brittle nature of a-SiO2 and the presence of pre-existing cracks at both micro- and nano-scales lead to complex mechanical behavior. In this study, we systematically investigate the effects of pre-existing crack and its orientation on the mechanical properties of a-SiO2 with ...
JAMESW.HALLwasborninHopkinsville,Kentucky,buthaslivedinFloridamostofhis adultlife.HereceivedaBAinliteraturein1969fromFloridaPresbyterianCollege (nowEckerdCollege),anMAincreativewritingfromJohnsHopkinsUniversity(1970), andaPhDinliteraturefromtheUniversityofUtah(1977).Afullprofessor,hehas ...