P. (1977), Fluid Flow through a Large Vertical Crack in the Earth’s Crust , J. geophys. Res. 82 , 929–931.Weertman J,Chang S P.Fluid flow through a large vertical crack in the Earth's crust[J].Journal of Geophysical Research,1977,B82:929-932....
In relation to Earth's surface, the term 'plates' refers to the: a. Mid-ocean ridges b. Rocks that form the visible portions of the continents c. Rocks that form the ocean basins d. Large moving sections of Earth's crust Fa...
volcano is a mountain of lava, ash, and cinders. The volcano builds up around a vent, which leads to a lake of molten rock deep in the earth. The vent is really a crack in the earth's crust. Some volcanic mountains have taken centuries to form. Others have grown to great heights in...
An uncommonly shallow temblor rattled the country, sending scientists buzzing as they began hunting down its source.
and Tarasova., N.V., Effect of Electromagnetic Irradiation on Deformation Processes in the Crust, Stress Relaxation, and Active Stress Monitoring, Proc. All-Russian Seminar on Triggering Effects in Geosystems, IDG RAN, Moscow, 22–24 June 2010, Adushkin, V.V. and Kocharyan, G.G., Eds., ...
1980. The stopping of a rising, liquid-filled crack in the Earth's crust by a freely-slipping horizontal joint. J. Geophys. Res. 85, 967-976.WEERTMAN, J. 1980. The stopping of a rising, liquid filled crack in the Earth's crust by a freely slipping horizontal joint. Journal of ...
PURPOSE:To increase the degree of accuracy of investigation by forming a granulated magnetic material injected into cracks in the earth crust and a winze interior magnetic field measuring device hanging down to the inside of the winze and having transmitting sections and/or receiving sections of an...
Z. M. Zhu, "Evaluation of the range of horizontal stresses in the earth's upper crust by using a collinear crack model," Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol. 88, pp. 114-121, 2013.Zhu Z. M. Evaluation of the Range of Horizontal Stresses in the Earth's Upper Crust by Using a ...