Oregon In Oregon, crabbers with the proper shellfish license may catch Dungeness crab year-round in bays and estuaries as well as from any shore-based vantage, from beaches and tidepools to jetties and docks. The season for Dungeness crab in the open ocean, however, is closed between Octob...
又有得玩,又有得吃。 Free Fishing Weekend:每年6月份第一个full weekend就是俄勒冈州免费钓鱼周末,在这两天内无需购买牌照(fishing license/shellfish license)可以免费钓鱼、捞蟹、挖蚌...但仍然要遵守其他捕获规则,例如可以拿走的种类及数量,如要求特殊牌照harvest tag的还是要另买等等。 2.出发前打Shellfish S...
又有得玩,又有得吃。 Free Fishing Weekend:每年6月份第一个full weekend就是俄勒冈州免费钓鱼周末,在这两天内无需购买牌照(fishing license/shellfish license)可以免费钓鱼、捞蟹、挖蚌...但仍然要遵守其他捕获规则,例如可以拿走的种类及数量,如要求特殊牌照harvest tag的还是要另买等等。 2.出发前打Shellfish S...