要提出索赔,你需要填写CRA表格T777《就业费用报表》,并将其与所得税申报表一起提交。 如果你仅在一年的一部分时间内在家工作,那么你只能申请在你至少连续四周中有至少50%的时间在那里工作的那一部分时间内支付的费用。 参考链接: https://financialpost.com/personal-finance/taxes/new-cra-rules-work-from-home-...
要提出索赔,你需要填写CRA表格T777《就业费用报表》,并将其与所得税申报表一起提交。 如果你仅在一年的一部分时间内在家工作,那么你只能申请在你至少连续四周中有至少50%的时间在那里工作的那一部分时间内支付的费用。 参考链接: https://...
The work space is where the employee worked more than 50% of the time for a period of at least four consecutive weeks in the year;1 and The employee has a completed and signed Form T2200 from their employer. Are employees who voluntarily work from home eligible? For 2023, if an employe...
M2FaaS is a novel FaaSifier that resolves many challenges for the resulting monolith to work properly after the FaaSification. Developers may annotate all dependencies that need to be resolved for the generated functions to run properly and specify variables that should be returned by the function ...