加拿大税务表格 - 可填写式 T5008(Statement of Securities Transactions/État des opérations sur titres). 输入你知道的,其他留给我们处理。可使用任何平板/便携电脑或智能电话在几分钟内完成纳税申报。
If no, for what year was the last return filed? Year Date of death Social insurance number of the deceased Is this an amended return? Yes 1 No 2 Year Month Day If the trust is an Inter Vivos Trust, complete this section. Is this the final return of the trust? Yes 1 No 2 Date ...
. . . . 260 What type of ownership do you have? Tick only one box. 261 Sole 262 Joint tenancy 263 Tenants in common On December 31 of the calendar year, what is your ownership percentage of the residential property for the capacity in which you are filing this return? . . . . . ...
○T5007 ○T5008 ○T5013 ○RC210 ●T1 GENERAL ●ON428 >>显示所有可用表格 Send the completed form to your tax centre as indicated on your notice of assessment. You will find the address listed below. St. John's Tax Centre 290 Empire Avenue ...
○T5007 ○T5008 ○T5013 ○RC210 ●T1 GENERAL ●ON428 >>显示所有可用表格 Canada Revenue Agency加拿大税务局Protected Bwhen completed 内部使用。 海外收入核实声明 •本表格必须用于2015年和以后纳税年度。 •如果在一年的任何时间总成本额纳税者所有指定的外国财产是超过10万加元(加拿大)时,完成并提交此表...
加拿大税务表格 - 可填写式 T5008(Statement of Securities Transactions/État des opérations sur titres). 输入你知道的,其他留给我们处理。可使用任何平板/便携电脑或智能电话在几分钟内完成纳税申报。