加拿大人应该在2024年的工资单上预期更多的加拿大养老金计划(CPP)和就业保险(EI)扣除。 作为改善缴费和福利的六年战略的一部分,CPP的贡献正在增加。 2024年CPP的贡献率将保持在5.95%,尽管预期的最大贡献为3,867加元,高于2023年的3,754加元。 在魁北克,2024年魁北克养老金计划(QPP)的缴费率增加了6.4%,为4,348加...
该计算基于《所得税条例》(Income Tax Regulations)中的一个公式,公式取上一季度首月的三个月期国库券的简单平均值,四舍五入至下一个最高的整个百分点(如果不是整数的话)。 要计算2024年第一季度的“基本”利率,你需要回到上一季度的第一个月(2023年10月),取三个月期国库券收益率的平均值,分别是5.16%(10...
免税储蓄户口(Tax-Free Savings Account) 税务居民可将税后收入以免税储蓄户口作储蓄或者投资,即使投资或储蓄后总值增加,或当提取资金时,亦毋须扣税。 2024年免税储蓄户口的储蓄金额由去年的6,500元上调至7,000元,如果去年税务居民没有供...
免税储蓄户口(Tax-Free Savings Account) 税务居民可将税后收入以免税储蓄户口作储蓄或者投资,即使投资或储蓄后总值增加,或当提取资金时,亦毋须扣税。 2024年免税储蓄户口的储蓄金额由去年的6,500元上调至7,000元,如果去年税务居民没有供款6,500元,今年的供款额会累积至6,500元+7,000元,共13,500元。 累积供...
For new leases signed on or after January 1, 2024, the deductible costs will increase from $950 to $1050 per month before tax. For new automobile loans signed on or after January 1, 2024, the maximum allowable interest deduction will be increased from $300 to $350 per month. ...
September 12, 2024 New proposals to expand the audit powers of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) under the Income Tax Act could significantly raise the risk that Canadian taxpayers will find themselves in court or subject to penalties – even before a tax audit is concluded. Background T...
iPad iPhone Description "Canadian Tax Info: Canada CRA is your ultimate companion for all things related to Canadian taxes. Stay informed with accurate and official information provided by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA). Access a wealth of resources, guides, and updates to help you navigate th...
Understanding the European Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), what it means for EU and non-EU countries. Expert-level analysis, training, cutting-edge updates for Regulation (EU) 2024/2847.
equity investments that are mainly involved in Retail Banking. The Corporate Centre segment covers corporate centre function, asset and liability management, management of debt connected with acquisitions of subsidiaries or equity investments, and the net impact of tax consolidation. The company was ...
免税储蓄户口(Tax-Free Savings Account) 税务居民可将税后收入以免税储蓄户口作储蓄或者投资,即使投资或储蓄后总值增加,或当提取资金时,亦毋须扣税。 2024年免税储蓄户口的储蓄金额由去年的6,500元上调至7,000元,如果去年税务居民没有供款6,500元,今年的供款额会累积至6,500元+7,000元,共13,500元。