In this case, $1050 is the maximum non-taxable reimbursement amount you can issue to your employee who drove 1,500 kilometers in a tax year. What Was The CRA Mileage Rate In 2023? The CRA mileage rate in 2023 was, on average, 2¢ lower. It was set at the following rates...
(NPO’s) T2CorporateIncomeTaxReturn “Allcorporations–includingnon-profitorganizations,…-havetofileaT2returnfor everytaxyear,evenifthereisnotaxpayable.Theonlyexceptiontothisruleisa corporationthatwasaregisteredcharitythroughouttheyear.”(Frompage7oftheT2 Corporation–IncomeTaxGuide2010). TheT2returnmustbe...
Maximize your 2020 CRA tax refund and use RRSP deduction limit before Mar 1, 2021 with the help of our experts. Book online 30-minute FREE new client consultation before CRA tax deadline of April 30, 2021. We help clients all over Canada.
Prop D–Additional Tax on Commercial Rents Mostly to Fund Housing and Homelessness Services:No. Also a gross receipts tax measure, generating less revenue. Much of the housing would go to people earning over $100k-$150k/year, and not really enough funding to make a dent in the lack of a...