在加拿大税务局的网站上有一个申请流程,然后就能够进行电子申报。 另外,你需要提交一份T3信托所得税及信息申报表(T3申报表)和15号表格(信托受益所有权信息),后者需要列出所有的有益所有者和受托人。 加拿大税务局提供了关于提交T3信托申报的逐步指南:https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-public...
No sneaky fees on the forms you need We do something other big tax brands don't: give you unlimited access to any form. Yes, even charitable donations, medical expenses, and investment income can be filed at no additional cost. Pick the plan that’s right for you ...
○T4A-RCA ○T4RIF ○T4RSP ○T5 ○T4FHSA ○T3 ○T5007 ○T5008 ○T5013 ○RC210 ●T1 GENERAL ●ON428 >>显示所有可用表格 Canada Revenue Agency加拿大税务局Protected Bwhen completed T1调整要求 •Use this form to request an adjustment (a reassessment) to an individual income tax return. ...
○T3 ○T5007 ○T5008 ○T5013 ○RC210 ●T1 GENERAL ●ON428 >>显示所有可用表格 Canada Revenue Agency加拿大税务局Protected Bwhen completed 2023年北部居民减免 在填写此表格之前,请先阅读随附的说明表。如果此声明是2023年之前的一年, 请转到canada.ca/cra-forms获取此表单的以前版本。
○T4A(OAS) ○T4A(P) ○T4E ○T4PS ○T4A-RCA ○T4RIF ○T4RSP ○T5 ○T4FHSA ○T3 ○T5007 ○T5008 ○T5013 ○RC210 ●T1 GENERAL ●ON428 >>显示所有可用表格 Protected Bwhen completed Attach this form inside your return along with any other forms, schedules, ...
○T4FHSA ○T3 ○T5007 ○T5008 ○T5013 ○RC210 ●T1 GENERAL ●ON428 >>显示所有可用表格 Canada Revenue AgencyAgence du revenu du CanadaProtected Bwhen completed Designation of a Property as a Principal Residence byTax year the Legal Representative of a Deceased Individual2023 ...
T4A(OAS) ○ T4A(P) ○ T4E ○ T4PS ○ T4A-RCA ○ T4RIF ○ T4RSP ○ T5 ○ T4FHSA ○ T3 ○ T5007 ○ T5008 ○ T5013 ○ RC210 ● T1 GENERAL ● ON428 >>显示所有可用表格 Home收入税计算器 Canada RevenueAgency 加拿大税务局 联邦外国税收抵免 使用此表格计算可从2023年联邦税中扣除的...
○T4FHSA ○T3 ○T5007 ○T5008 ○T5013 ○RC210 ●T1 GENERAL ●ON428 >>显示所有可用表格 Canada Revenue AgencyAgence du revenu du CanadaProtected Bwhen completed Designation of a Property as a Principal Residence byTax year the Legal Representative of a Deceased Individual2023 ...