Revenue Canada’s Voluntary Disclosure program (VDP), commonly referred to as tax amnesty or tax pardon, is a fairness program that allows for taxpayers to voluntarily declare income and file returns that have never been filed or have been filed incorrectly. This program waives civil penalties and...
A professional accounting firm, Chartered Professional Accountants (CPAs), with many years of experience in the Tax – retail, real estate and service sector. We understand your unique needs and the importance of adding value to your day to day business requirements. ...
Perceived obstacles to inter professional engagement were lack of knowledge about other health professions, exposure to other professions and lack of formal inter professional educational engagement. Conclusion: Despite the evidence in the literature in support of interprofessional education, in practice it ...
It is evident that the attitude that has towards itself has a powerful influence in the adjustment, personal well-being and its professional development; Thus constituting a frame of reference through which the individual interacts with the world, which affects his way of thinking, feeling and ...
Ad hoc (as needed) claim assistance or consulting Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (IDMTC) consulting and claim preparation Other grants and incentives consulting Methodical and thorough claim preparation processes while at the same time letting you focus on your normal business duties and minimizin...
A Professional Accounting Firm, Chartered Professional Accountants – Specializing in Tax and CRA Audits (Income Tax , HST, GST, PST) for Small and Mid-Size Businesses in Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Greater Vancouver Area, Calgary and Toronto. MK & ASSOCIATES | 604.808.0392 | ...
Office : 604-808-0392 or 604-642-6157 Toll free: 1-888-TAX-0701 Fax : 604-475-0304 Email : Vancouver Office: 500 – 666 Burrard Street, Vancouver BC V6C 3P6 Roderick Murray Coquitlam Office : 211 – 3030 Lincoln Avenue, Coquitlam BC, V3B 6B4 ...
A Professional Accounting Firm, Chartered Professional Accountants – Specializing in Tax and CRA Audits (Income Tax , HST, GST, PST) for Small and Mid-Size Businesses in Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Greater Vancouver Area, Calgary and Toronto. MK & ASSOCIATES | 604.808.0392 | ...
Posted byTax Consultants Property Liens – Tax Audit CRA If you don’t file your returns or pay your back taxes, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) can – and will – file a lien against any property you own, usually starting with your home. This gives the CRA the right to seize and se...
These reporting obligations are set out in form T1135, “Foreign Income Verification Statement,” for which a revised version requiring additional information is applicable to taxation years ending on or after July 1, 2013. The scope of these additional requirements is known to be broad, but is...