My Service Canada Account: 点击该链接,会自动转到你的My Service Canada Account(无需重新登陆),查询个人失业保险(EI), 加拿大退休金(CPP)以及老人金(OAS)的详细信息 MyAccount其它便利 MyAccount里面个人税务相关的记录之全面之完整,第一次查看的时候,你可能会“wow”一下—CRA什么都记得一清二楚,你记得记不得...
点击“Benefits and credits”可查看其它退税内容。 更改自己的信息 在左侧的菜单栏里选择自己想要更改的条目 点击后按要求操作即可 被抽查?提交文件即可 如果你突然收到一封长成这样的邮件 你可能就是被CRA抽查了! 左右滑动查看完整信件 这样...
Benefits and credits Instalment payments and so on. You can also make payments and register disputes. Finally, you can toggle over to your My Service Canada Account to view and update your information on EI, CPP (Statement of Contribution), and OAS without having to log-in again. Becoming a...
3. 申请到了两份补贴。如果一边申请了CRA的My Account进行申请CERB,同时又申请了Service Canada的Account进行另一次的CERB的申请,以至于同时收到了两份补贴,则一定要退回。 4. 如果之前因为失业,先申请了EI,后来又再次申请了CERB,导致出现申请了两份补贴的情况。其中一份一定要退回。 如何还款? 1. 如果你在一开始...
根据CRA更新的最新消息,CRA专门开启了一个退款网页: CRA 将于5月11日正式接受网上还款,需要退款的申请者可以登录CRA My Account 进行在线还款。不论是在申请CERB期间多收到了钱、不符合资格冒领或是之前...
如何注册My Account Step 1:登录网站,点击注册 Step 2:一步步输入所需的个人信息 需要SIN号、地址邮编、生日以及报税信息 在小V这里报税的亲可以来询问小V报税信息 ...
How do I set up Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) direct deposit to receive government benefits in my Vancity account? Go to Was this article helpful? YesNo Do you still need help? Search Call us Metro Vancouver:604.877.7000
CRA, such as filing your taxes and accessing your benefit and credit payments. A My Service Canada account gives you access to online services from Employment and Social Development Canada, such as applying foremployment insurance benefits,Old Age Security,or aCanada Pension Plan retirement pension....
The My Payment service is offered through the RBC Virtual Visa Debit and is a quick, easy, and secure way to make payments to the CRA. My Payment simplifies accounting because the funds leave your account immediately. So there is no need to monitor your account because of an outstanding ...
To check the status of your tax refund, you can use the CRA's online services, including "My Account" or the "MyCRA" mobile app. These tools provide real-time updates on your return's progress and expected refund date. How Does the CRA Handle Overdue Taxes and Payment Arrangements?