To protect yourself from scams, verify your tax status and make sure the CRA has your current address and email –Confirm your tax status through one of the CRA’s secure portals, My Account, My Business Account, or Represent a Client, or through the MyCRA and MyBenefits CRA mobile web ...
It seems that when the taxpayer prepared his 2019 tax return, certain T5 slips from Royal Bank of Canada did not appear in his CRA My Account, meaning the income reflected on those T5 slips was inadvertently omitted from his 2019 return. The income on the T5s, “which was substantial,” ...
"I ordered the product to change my Jacket colour to Dark Blue (Jacket was previously Brown), I got the colour I expected and was awesome. It is permanant and giving an xcellent finish, it is highly recommended" Arvind SA Absolutely brilliant piece of Leather ...
No, I am not saying that the virus isn’t real. And I am not making any definitive statements about where it came from or how it came about. I have my theories but some things, I just won’t know, and can’t change. But what I know is that the reaction has been absurd, unprec...
My accountSign inVolume 82, Issue 23, 1 December 2022, Pages 4503-4518.e8ArticleTarget RNA activates the protease activity of Craspase to confer antiviral defense Author links open overlay panelXi Liu 1 3, Laixing Zhang 2 3, Hao Wang 1 3, Yu Xiu 1 3, Ling Huang 1 3, Zhengyu Gao ...
Does anyone else feel the suffocating darkness of tyranny descending on our nation? And finally, does anyone share my dread that Bill Gates—and his long-time associate Tony Fauci—will somehow be running our Brave New World? Imagine a world where the government doesn’t need police officers ...
Sometimes it'll start up and work, other times it crashes in seconds. It's a mess and Amazon doesn't seem too worried about it. I publish books and Kindle is one of the formats I publish too. I have to use my iPad & Kindle to check files out. The program on my Mac isn't ...
5. It is to be noted that the Senate will open the second envelope in connection with the alleged savings account of the President in the Equitable PCI Bank in accordance with the rules of the Senate, pursuant to the request to the Senate President.’ Our deal We bring out, too, our ...
As I absorbed deMause’s relentless account of the cruelty inflicted on children in the world’s most “advanced” civilizations, I swore an angry oath to myself that I would never acquiesce in the deliberate harm of little kids, no matter how respectable their abusers might claim to be. ...
I would “give in” and let her sleep in our bed, beating myself up every minute that I did. I found that what I had been taught was at direct odds with my every maternal instinct. But both she and I slept better. We were completely in sync with each other ...