第一步:访问CRA My Business Account网站 🌐 首先,打开浏览器,搜索“CRA My Business Account”,记得一定要选择“business”版本的哦!🔍 第二步:填写注册信息 📝 接下来,你需要填写一些个人信息,比如你的SIN(社会保险号)和其他验证信息。税务信息可以在你最近一次报税的T1 general中找到,如果你有会计帮忙报税,...
只是税局每年例行抽查,每个人都有概率被查到。 请在规定时间内,充分准备好材料,可以在CRA my Account电子上传,或邮寄(最好是挂号信)给税局。 而如果你置之不理的话,本来有的抵税额/退税就会被取消/停发/召回;之前申请的相关费用...
税务居民收到T4后需要核对社会保险号码(Social Insurance Number)、姓名、地址等个人资料。 如社会保险号码(Social Insurance Number)在报税后作出更改,税务居民可在CRA网站自行更改。 申报完T1(私人报税表)后,税局会按照每个省民情况,计算其HST(消费税)退税额,税款会随退税额于本年度分期退回。 政府由2017年起取消...
税务居民收到T4后需要核对社会保险号码(Social Insurance Number)、姓名、地址等个人资料。 如社会保险号码(Social Insurance Number)在报税后作出更改,纳税人可在CRA网站自行更改。 申报完T1(私人报税表)后,税局会按照每个省民情况,计算其...
在My Account 中,您可以随时查询自己的退税福利,如 GST/HST Credit、Ontario Trillium Benefit、Canada Child Benefit 等,也可以了解到一些可递延的税收抵免额,如学费等。 如何申请CRA账户 准备前提条件和所需材料: 拥有加拿大社会保险号(SIN)。 ...
How do I cancel my CRA business number? How do I remove an owner from CRA? How do I close my HST account CRA? How do I cancel my CRA account? How do I access my CRA business account? rc145 cra where to send rc145 cra my business account my account cra close gst account ...
Line number from return or scheduleName of line from return or schedulePrevious amount+ –Amount of changeRevised amount –GST/HST credit0+1 (Yes)1 (Yes) Area D: Certification •Make sure either you or your authorized representative signs and dates the request for a change to your return....
For example, although partially redacted, text in the Manual suggests that the CRA might check a taxpayer's postal code and account number against databases containing information that might be associated with non-compliance by an identifiable group. 8. Payment required The new VDP condition, ...
Not only did our client receive the HST refund in full, with interest, but we also corrected the shareholder account and saved our client excessive personal income tax, interest, and penalties. Most importantly, however, if our submissions had not been accepted, our client could have been prose...
Does the maximum cost amount during the year take into account variations in the exchange rate as well as variations in the value of the asset in the foreign currency? The maximum cost amount in Canadian dollars may be at a different point of the year than the maximum cost amount in the ...