一、GST/HST 退税 GST/HST退税是一项免税的季度付款,旨在帮助低收入或中等收入的个人和家庭收回他们支付的GST或HST的一部分。这项付款还可以包括来自省级和地区计划的额外支持。 谁有资格: 年满19岁。 如果你未满19岁,如果你有(或曾经有)配偶或同居伴侣,或者你是(或曾经是)与孩子一起生活的父母,你仍然可能符合...
然后,可以使用剩余的$6,000元的资本损失抵消前几年或未来几年的资本收益。 5. GST/HST税收抵免 GST/HST税收抵免每三个月会自动支付给符合条件的加拿大人。是否有资格获得此抵免取决于上一纳税年度所报告的收入,并会在每年重新评估一...
Assistance with CRA Tax Return & Tax Audit We assist in various CRA tax audits like Personal Tax or Corporate tax audit, HST/GST review, WSIB audits in addition to CRA tax return revisions. Outsource Controller Services We provide on-premises controllership services based on the requirements of...
商品和服务税/统一销售税(GST/HST) 抵免额是季度补贴付款。旨在帮助中低收入的加拿大个人和家庭抵消他们所缴纳的税款。 根据标准: • 如果单身,最高可领 496 加币 • 已婚或有同居伴侣,最高可领 650 加币 • 19 岁以下每位儿童 171 加币 发钱日期: ...
这个数十亿加元的数字包括纳税人在提交个人税务申报表后所获得的所有福利,例如加拿大儿童福利金、加拿大工人福利和GST/HST税收抵免。 自动报税系统还将向更多不列颠哥伦比亚省和魁北克省以外的家庭提供加拿大碳返利,尽管由于更多纳税人将“分享同...
How to claim input tax credits (ITC) for GST/HST paid on eligible expenses. How to report costs related to partnerships or fishing activities. Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) The T4002 guide dives deep into how to calculate and claim capital cost allowance for depreciable property like buildings,...
CRA Allows Temporary GST/HST Relief for Joint VenturesGelkopf, Allan
Non-residents are also accommodated and if they meet requirements, and can extend their submission of section 216 returns. This program also allows for anonymous disclosure under the No-Name Policy, which protects the identities of the complying taxpayers. ...
Tax & CRA Audit Specialists (Income Tax, GST/HST, PST and non-resident Tax Services) CRA does not make up the rules, and understanding the law is the first step. There is always a chance that CRA may audit your return. Make sure you never have to meet with the CRA agent alone. ...
GST/HST audits are focused on the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) reporting and payments. The CRA will review your sales and purchase records to make sure you've remitted the right amount. You may be asked to provide invoices, receipts, and other supporting documents ...