加拿大税务表格 - 可填写式 T1013(Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative). 输入你知道的,其他留给我们处理。可使用任何平板/便携电脑或智能电话在几分钟内完成纳税申报。
加拿大税务表格 - 可填写式 T1013(). 输入你知道的,其他留给我们处理。可使用任何平板/便携电脑或智能电话在几分钟内完成纳税申报。
The client's name and S.I.N information must be correct. Since e-auth doesn't need a birthdate, marital status, and tax province information, you can choose anything when creating such an empty tax return. The tax return is just a place to hold a form of Authorize a Representative (...