CRA Wins Another Tax Shelter Appeal in the Federal Court of AppealHayhoe, Robert
Shelter from the Storm: The Current State of the Tax Shelter Rules in Section 237.1 In Maege, the Tax Court of Canada and the Federal Court of Appeal gave the phrase (and, as a consequence, section 237.1) an expansive interpretation;......
administering tax, benefits, audit, compliance, and collection. The information collected may be used or disclosed for the purposes of other federal acts that provide for the imposition and collection of a tax or duty. It may also be disclosed to other federal, provincial, territorial, or foreig...
U.S. federal regulators plan to give banks and thrifts Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) credit for international remittance services. In a letter Thursday to Representative Barney Frank, Democrat-Massachusetts, the heads of the four banking and thrift agencies said that they "agree that remittances...
Personal information (including the SIN) is collected and used to administer or enforce the Income Tax Act and related programs and activities including administering tax, benefits, audit, compliance, and collection. The information collected may be disclosed to other federal, provincial, territorial, ...
Federal Court of Appeal upholds CRA decision to deny tax remission order to First NationGraham Ragan
New Tax-Based Fed Theory On Low CRA Loan Interest.(U.S. Federal Reserve Board; Community Reinvestment Act)(Brief Article)Garver, Rob
Signature Date (YYYYMMDD) Personal information (including the SIN) is collected and used to administer or enforce the Income Tax Act and related programs and activities includingadministering tax, benefits, audit, compliance, and collection. The information collected may be disclosed to other federal,...