家庭抚养费(Child Care Expenses):如果你为孩子支付了托儿费用或其他抚养费用,这些费用可能可以在报税时抵税。 残障支出抵税(Disability Tax Credit):如果你或你家庭中的某人有残障,你可能有资格获得残障支出抵税,这可以帮助减少你的税款...
多代同堂家庭翻新税收抵免是一项新的可退还税收抵免,允许有资格的房主申报一些改建费用,以在他们的家中为符合条件的个人建立一个次要公寓。 您可以针对每项合格翻新申报高达5万加元的费用,每项申报最高可获得7500加元的抵免。 残疾税收抵免 The Disability Tax Credit 残疾税收抵免现在拥有全新的数字化申请流程,申请...
death and a life time of disability for the World’s largest criminal enterprise. Face the fact that if you fought in the Mideast Wars, you were fighting for Israel and the Khazarian Mafia, not America and the KM and Israel were using you as their cannon-fodder instead...
Enter the number of months in the year after the month you turned 18 on line A b) You were receiving a CPP or QPP disability pension for all of 2024. Enter "0" on line A. If you started or stopped receivinga CPP or QPP disability pension in 2024, enter the number of months you ...