初次使用前,你需要先注册激活MyAccount, 步骤如下: 所需信息:个人社卡号(SIN)以及上一年的报税记录 访问:http://www.canada.ca, 在页面中间点击My Account for Individual-Canada Revenue Agency, 点击CRA Register 输入你的个人社卡号SIN, 进入下一页面,并且按照要求输入个人信息(邮编、生日、去年税表某一行的金...
如果你已经收到了CERB 寄给你的支票,还未兑现,可以将支票原样寄回CERB,并附上退回原因,以及SIN号码或者TTN号码。如果收到了CERB的支票并已兑现,或是通过Direct Deposit收的CERB:5月11日开始,从CRA官网上进行还款寄一张支票(或Money order)给CRA,收款人写“Receiver General for Canada”,备注中付款性质...
1. 如果你在一开始收到政府的补贴,是以直接收到电子转账的形式接收的,那退换时,可以直接给政府还支票或Bank Draft。 *注意:如果还支票,记得收款人要写Receiver General for Canada,同时在支票的备注里写明是还款CERB这个项目,还的是哪一期,还有个人SIN。 如果之前申请补贴,政府是以发支票的形式发给你,你可以把原...
如果是 Direct Deposit收款 ,则可以在5月11日以后,在CRA官网进行还款,或者 寄一张支票给CRA,收款人写“Receiver General for Canada”,备注中付款性质写“Repayment of CERB”,标明误领福利是哪个周期,写清楚SIN卡号和TTN号码,寄到指定地址。 官方解释链接: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/b...
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如果你已经收到了CERB 寄给你的支票,还未兑现,可以将支票原样寄回CERB,并附上退回原因,以及SIN号码或者TTN号码。 如果收到了CERB的支票并已兑现,或是通过Direct Deposit收的CERB: 5月11日开始,从CRA官网上进行还款 寄一张支票(或Money order)给CRA,收款人写“Receiver General for Canada”,备注中付款性质写 ...
defined under subsection 251(2) of the Act, all relatedemployers have to agree in writing that you are the only employer who will be claiming the apprenticeship job creation tax creditfor this tax year for each apprentice whose contract number, social insurance number (SIN), or name appears ...
365Legal name of your spouse or common-law partner (last name, first name)370SIN, ITN or TTN of your spouse or common-law partner UHT-2900 E (24)Page 3 of 10 Protected Bwhen completed Part 4 – Exemption for primary place of residence ...
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Calls for the resignation of the petitioner filled the air. On October 11, Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin issued a pastoral statement in behalf of the Presbyteral Council of the Archdiocese of Manila, asking petitioner to step down from the presidency as he had lost the moral authority to govern...