家庭抚养费(Child Care Expenses):如果你为孩子支付了托儿费用或其他抚养费用,这些费用可能可以在报税时抵税。 残障支出抵税(Disability Tax Credit):如果你或你家庭中的某人有残障,你可能有资格获得残障支出抵税,这可以帮助减少你的税款...
Enter "12" on lines A and B below unless any of the following conditions apply: Line A – CPP a) You turned 18 years of age in 2024. Enter the number of months in the year after the month you turned 18 on line A b) You were receiving a CPP or QPP disability pension for all ...
Taxable income (line 47 of the return) 1 Step 1 – Ontario tax on taxable income Graduated Rate Estates (GRE) or Qualified Disability Trusts (QDT) Use the amount on line 1 to determine which one of the following columns you have to complete. If the amount from line 1 is: $51,446 or...
Enter the number of months in the year after the month you turned 18 on line A b) You were receiving a CPP or QPP disability pension for all of 2024. Enter "0" on line A. If you started or stopped receivinga CPP or QPP disability pension in 2024, enter the number of months you ...
Enter "12" on lines A and B below unless any of the following conditions apply: Line A – CPP a) You turned 18 years of age in 2024. Enter the number of months in the year after the month you turned 18 on line A b) You were receiving a CPP or QPP disability pension for all ...