A total of 2250 visitors were interviewed @750 per year. Professionals like doctors, software personnel etc and students occupied the send line. In fact this was the target group of the campaign around whom the significance of millets as neutraceutical in management of life style disorders was...
750-370 6FC5 371-0AA30-0AB0 6FC5 800-0AS00-0YB0 6FC5 248-0AF20-2AA0 312-0DA00-1AA1 311-0AA00-0AA0 6FC8 506-2RX03-0AA0 6FC5 398-1BP40-5RA3 6FC5 398-6BP40-5RA3 6FC5 398-8CP40-5RA3 6SL3060-4AW00-0AA0 6SL3120-1TE22-4AC0 6FX5002-5CN36-1BF0 6SL3060...