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根据税务局网站公布的信息,除非满足特定条件,否则所有信托都必须提交T3信托所得税(T3 Trust Income Tax)和资讯申报表(Information Return)。此外,简易信托现在可能需要提交T3申报表(T3 return)。 ● 什么是简易信托? 与正式信托不同,简易信托是一种非正式...
申报文件清单: 您可以在加拿大税务局(CRA)的网页上找到详细介绍,了解需要哪些信息: 逾期提交T3申报表可能会导致每天25加元的罚款,最高不超过2500加...
That’s why it’s best to consult your accountant on how to maximize your tax return. A flat-rate car allowance A flat-rate vehicle allowance that isn’t calculated based on the number of kilometers driven is considered taxable income. Since this is a lump sum you give to... 8、学费税收抵免 学生有资格获得学费税收抵免。如果您年满 16 岁并在高等教育机构(而非高中)学习,就有资格获...
Form T1142,Information Return in Respect of Distributions from and Indebtedness to a Non-Resident Trust. Filing a paper return Form T1135 can be attached to your income tax return, or partnership information return, and mailed to your tax centre. Alternately, Form T1135 ...
Auto-fill Your Return FastnEasyTax works directly with the CRA to auto fill part of your return. Filing your personal income tax online is fast, easy, and accurate. Free Support We are here to help you if you have any questions on how to file your tax return, and we are committed to...
Maximize your 2020 CRA tax refund and use RRSP deduction limit before Mar 1, 2021 with the help of our experts. Book online 30-minute FREE new client consultation before CRA tax deadline of April 30, 2021. We help clients all over Canada.
将燃料费用收益返还给农民税收抵免 Return of Fuel Charge Proceeds to Farmers Tax Credit 自雇农民以及是合伙经营农业业务并在阿尔伯塔、曼尼托巴、新不伦瑞克、纽芬兰和拉布拉多、新斯科舍、安大略、爱德华王子岛或萨斯喀彻温省拥有一个或多个常设机构的合伙企业的个人,现在可以利用将燃料费用收益返还给农民税收抵免。
Why don’t people file their tax returns? It’s somewhat of an academic mystery, Robson said. “We don’t yet have a good, full understanding of why people don’t file the return,” she said. “Why would people not file a return if it means they’re leaving money on the ta...