cr电池产品参数 品牌 CROWN 是否进口 否 产地 美国 化学类型 铅酸蓄电池 电压 6V 荷电状态 免维护蓄电池 电池盖和排气拴结构 阀控式密闭蓄电池 额定容量 220AH 外型尺寸 见详情mm 产品认证 CE 适用范围 UPS蓄电池 了解cr电池详情 狮克电源(山东)有限公司 店铺信息 厂家地址: 北京 热销货源 爱...
A method for treating a tumor in a mammal by administering a growth hormone releasing compound or an antagonist thereof in an amount effective to reduce or inhibit proliferation of tumorigenic cells in the mammal. In particular, the tumors to be treated include lung, mammary, thyroid or pancreas...
摘要: 最近,有人提到,在世界知名律师事务所工作的律师朋友已经从东方广场办公室离开.覆巢之下无完卵.金融危机之下,各行各业都受其牵连,律师行业也不例外.不过,2月25日,欧华律师事务所中国区主管合伙人刘巍在接受《中国科技财富》杂志专访时表示,并不太当心自己事务所的业务.关键词:...
麻疹是由麻疹病毒引起的一种急性呼吸道传染病,具有传染性强,传播快的特点,冬春季多见,儿童的发病率较高,近年来统计显示成人患病有增加的趋势.2006年吉林省麻疹病例数显著增多,截止到3月末,全省共发生麻疹病例数2 276例,我科在此期间也收治了68例成人患者,经严密观察,对症治疗及护理,患者均治愈出院,现将临床观察...
氯嘧磺隆(Chlorimuron-ethyl)是一种广谱、高效的磺酰脲类除草剂,主要作用于大豆田,可高选择性地防除莎草、阔叶杂草及某些禾本科杂草,在我国己广泛施用。但由于其残留... 肖延臣 - 《黑龙江大学》 被引量: 1发表: 2011年 Selective herbicides based on substituted arylsulphonylaminocarbonyl-triazolinones and ...
ECO catches up with Erin Hodel, Program Director of Ports & Coastal Sciences at CSA Ocean Sciences, as she shares her thoughts on how Florida's coast has changed in recent years, challenges working as a marine environmental consultant, and looking to the future. ECO: As a scientist who has...
申请(专利权)人: REAL BASEBALL ZONE CO., LTD.发明人:SJ Lee,HJ Kwon,JH Lee 摘要: The present invention is to disclose a real-time remote controlling method of a screen baseball system. The method comprises the steps of: (a) matching, by a manager computer of a main system, a game ...
A study on the influence of cable tension on the movement of cable laying ship shipssubmarine cablescable laying shipcable tensiondeep-sea vesselheaveA cable laying ship is a deep-sea vessel designed and used to lay underwater cables... Y Wang,X Bian,X Zhang,... - IEEE 被引量: 3发表...
As part of our Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting report, we asked the candidates: "What one piece of advice would you give young people entering the profession?" Some of their answers are given below. Begin your career with your end goal in mind. What's your overall career am...