LOOP AT pr_return INTO l_return WHERE type = 'E' . CONCATENATE lv_message l_return-message ';' INTO lv_message. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE gt_data-bednr lv_message INTO gt_out-text. APPEND gt_out. CLEAR gt_out. ELSE. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' EXPORTING wait = 'X'. CONCATE...
-- Present list of available commands arp -- Show arp table or arp-resolve an address boot -- Load and boot an executable image cat -- Concatenate (type) file(s) copy -- Copy a file delete -- Delete file(s) dir -- List files in director...
How to concatenate N Prefix to a parameter in sqlserver how to concatenate special characters in TSQL ? How to concatenate stored procedure varchar variables How to concatenate the string and Parameter passed to stored procedure How to concatenate varbinary? How to conditionally OUTER APPLY with a ...
concatenate 'CONVERSION_EXIT_' &1 into ls_conv... 分享31 bjd吧 GD魅影 【cb】【120402】愚人节限定白yeon ho 白kyul68体1 分享39赞 宇日俱曾吧 蓝戈砂 【210723】肖宇梁曾舜晞动态汇总一楼宇日俱曾 二楼来看动态 图cr微博@ White-Horse-Club https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4661768716553557 https://m...
-- Present list of available commands arp -- Show arp table or arp-resolve an address boot -- Load and boot an executable image cat -- Concatenate (type) file(s) copy -- Copy a file delete -- Delete file(s) dir -...
This was one attempt to create two strings and concatenate them in DlgSet(). character(len=max_name_length):: stub, tempstr1, tempstr2 . . write(tempstr1,'(i2," RWB Files Selected Successfully")') nfiles write(tempstr2,'("File Stub:",A15)') TRIM(stub) retlog = DlgSet(gdlg, ...
ENDLOOP. IF sy-subrc = 0. CLEAR: lv_message. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'. LOOP AT pr_return INTO l_return WHERE type = 'E' . CONCATENATE lv_message l_return-message ';' INTO lv_message. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE gt_data-bednr lv_message INTO gt_out-text. APPEND gt_out...
What I would do is keep reading the lines and concatenate into a single line until I meet a CR. any ideas? Thursday, February 23, 2017 8:36 AM I did not write to read it in an array? Simply as text prettyprint 複製 Dim x = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("C:\Test\tester.txt")...
x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test=train_test_split(np.concatenate((pos_tweets,neg_tweets)),y,test_size=0.2) # 零星的预处理 defcleanText(corpus): corpus=[z.lower().replace('n','').split()forzincorpus] returncorpus
CONCATENATE 'GR and GI with document ' MAT_DOC ' and activities posted' INTO GV_MESSAGE. RETURN-MESSAGE = GV_MESSAGE. ENDIF. When I debug - I don't see any values in my BAPIRET2. So, it is not going thru my if condition. Am I doing anything wrong in my code? Please suggest. ...