4. 安装驱动程序:访问创想三维官方支持网站,下载适用于CR-10S Pro的最新打印机驱动程序。下载完成后,运行安装程序,按照屏幕上的提示完成驱动的安装。如果系统提示重启,请按要求重启电脑。 5. 配置打印机设置:安装完成后,进入“控制面板”->“设备和打印机”,找到已连接的CR-10S Pro打印机。右键点击打印机图标,选择...
Go to your LCD Screen >Temp > Manual >Nozzle Pre-Heat. Pre-heat the nozzle to230C. The heat will loosen the nozzle so it can be unscrewed. 步骤3 The equipment is hot! Be careful when working with the metals parts so you don't burn yourself. ...
1、问题:创想三维CR-10S Pro打印任务删不掉怎么回事?怎样修复? 解决方法:首先,打开Windows任务管理器,找到并结束“spoolsv.exe”进程。接着,导航到“C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS”目录,删除所有文件。重启“Print Spooler”服务,这样可以清理挂起的打印任务。最后,重启打印机和电脑,确保问题解决。 2、问题...
Specifications: Material: Stainless Steel Use For: 3D Printer Heated Bed Quantity: 4PCS Design: Secure Grip Compatibility: Ender 3 V2, Ender3 Pro, CR-10S Performance: Durable and Reliable Features: |Creality Ender 3 V2 Firmware Update|Ender 3 V2 Stuck On Creality Screen|Creality Ender 3 V2 ...
创想三维CR-10S和CR-10S Pro这两款3D打印机的主要区别如下: 一、打印喷头温度 CR-10S的打印喷头温度上限为250℃。 CR-10S Pro的打印喷头温度上限为260℃,提供了更高的温度范围,可能更适合使用某些特殊或高温耗材。 二、喷嘴直径选项 CR-10S的喷嘴直径标配为0.4mm,但可以选择更换为0.2/0.3/0.6/0.8mm的喷嘴。
除了自动调平外功能外,3D打印机CR-10S Pro还拥有全彩触摸屏、快速加温、断电续打、断料检测、双齿轮挤出等多项实用创新功能。帮助用户从此告别桌面级产品中常见的耗材堵头、平台调平、精度太低、断电打印失败、模型粘不稳、拉丝严重等问题。使得设备整体性能可媲美市面上的工业级设备,打印的成品也更加细腻、逼真,特...
Note: uses the stock CR10S Pro Y carriage with Vslot wheels assembly to keep the rails aligned while replacing the frame bolts Remove with M5X30 SHCS one at a time Replace with M5X30 BHCS Slide Y carriage off from the front of the machine ...
Specifications: Material: Aluminium Nozzle Size: 0.4mm Filament Compatibility: 1.75MM Heating Element: Aluminum Heated Block Teflon Tube: ID 02mm OD 04mm, 100CM Length Compatibility: Ender3/CR10/CR10S Pro 3D Printers Features: |Ender Dual Extruder|Ender 3 Thermistor Upgrade|Ender 3 V2 Upgrades|...
For Ender3-V2 24V For CR10 12V For Ender3pro 24V For Ender3 24V รีวิว ของลูกค้า Due to our system upgrades, this content is currently unavailable in your region. สินค้าที่เกี่ยวข้อง ...
FYSETC โลหะ anodized อลูมิเนียม6061 Direct Drive สำหรับ Hemera สำหรับ CR-10, CR10S ENDER-3 ENDER-3 PRO ENDER-3 V2 1.ชื่อ: creality Hemera อลูมิเนียม backing PLATE 2.รุ่...