From the autumn the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will begin a new assessment regime which will see councils handed an overall rating of either ‘inadequate’, ‘requires improvement’, ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ as part of a new system of adult social care assurance introduced by the governme...
another CQC inspection will happen within six months. For a rating of ‘requires improvement’, a further inspection will take place after 12 months, and if rated
We found that when the CQC rated organisations as requiring improvement, the majority did not have the foundations in place to deliver good care and a quality improvement culture. Even before care homes hit the headlines during the Covid-19 pandemic, there was evidence they were struggling. In ...
Quality Commission (CQC) downgraded Tameside General Hospital's maternity services, run by Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, to "requires improvement" in safety and leadership after the inspectors, who gave two working days' notice of their visit, found a range of ...
we will begin a programme of activity to support the creating of additional capacity in the system. This includes rating adult social care services that are registered and not yet rated, and inspecting those currently rated as Requires Improvement to identify improvement and re-rate where possible....
(rating=care_home_details%>% map(c("current_ratings","overall","rating")) %>% as.character(),rating=recode(rating,"NULL"="No published rating"),rating=factor(rating,levels=c("Outstanding","Good","Requires improvement","Inadequate","No published rating")),report_date=care_home_details%...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook CQC Medical Wikipedia Category filter: AcronymDefinition CQCCare Quality Commission(health care regulator; England, UK) CQCChina Quality Certification Center(Beijing, China) ...
We can now plot, for each month, the proportion of locations that received each rating: ggplot(rat_overtime,aes(pub_date,number, fill=location_latest_overall_rating))+geom_bar(stat="identity", position="fill")+theme_minimal()+labs(x="Data publication date",y="Proportion",fill="CQC ratin...