inspectors highlighted the fact that service management and leadership was inconsistent and that the leaders and the culture they created did not always support the delivery of high-quality person-centred care. In another,
17. CQC. "Guidance Regulation - How often we assess." Accessed 4 Dec. 2024. "Once the new frequencies are decided, we will publish a more detailed schedule for planned assessments. This will include a date by when we will have updated all ratings for all providers." 18. CMS GOV US. ...
People Need Health And Social Care Services That Are More Joined-Up And Person-Centred, Says CQC
It will help you to focus on the day-to-day nutrition and hydration needs of people using a service while you are observing care, and highlight the extent to which the support and care they receive is person-centred. The guidance and prompts are generic, so that they can be used across...