Retrieve a location details eg address, related codes, inspection area, local authority, etc The specified individual Providers details An individual providers details Get the global taxonomy of all CQC Inspection Areas Operation ID: InspectionAreas Get the global taxonomy of all CQC Inspection Areas...
Retrieve a PDF file or text content of the specified report and it's related document The details of the location specified Retrieve a location details eg address, related codes, inspection area, local authority, etc The specified individual Providers details An individual providers detailsGet...
location: location ID, name, ODS code, telephone number, web address, sector, inspection directorate, region, local authority, CCG, street address, parliamentary constituency, and coordinates. provider: provider ID, name, company/charity registration, telephone number, web address, sector, inspection ...
Retrieve a PDF file or text content of the specified report and it's related document The details of the location specified Retrieve a location details eg address, related codes, inspection area, local authority, etc The specified individual Providers details An individual providers detailsGet...
The assessments use the CQC's existing inspection frameworks and methodologies, and are part of a programme of coordinated system-wide urgent and emergency care inspections that CQC is carrying out between November 2021 and April 2022. Key findings across the system included that the local directory...
“In response to our feedback during the inspection, the provider made some changes, including arranging for a deep-clean, for a fire risk assessment to be undertaken with an external contractor and amendments to how medicines were stored, but they have much more that needs to be ...
We estimate that ExE speak with an average of 10 people every time they join an inspection team and have spoken with over 35,000 people using services during CQC inspections in the financial year 2021/22. We are also working with Choice Support to develop a network of seldom heard community...
the health and adult social care regulator for England. The ‘Care Quality Commission’ operates anAPI, with data available under the Open Government License. Data includes information on service providers, locations such as hospitals, care homes and medical clinics, and ratings and inspection reports...
Keeping it personal: supporting people with multiple and complex needs: report to the Commission for Social Care Inspection This report describes a study which was undertaken in five councils in England to investigate the effectiveness of the response of councils to people who a......
Retrieve a PDF file or text content of the specified report and it's related document The details of the location specified Retrieve a location details eg address, related codes, inspection area, local authority, etc The specified individual Providers details An individual providers detailsGet...