Application Form for Change ofCCCCertification 申请日期/Date: 产品类别/Product sort: 中国质量认证中心 ChinaQuality Certification Centre 1.认证委托人/Applicant: 1.1认证委托人名称/Name of Applicant: 1.2付款人名称、地址/Name、Address of Payer: 1.3认证委托人地址、邮编/Address and post code of Applicant...
批准书/各类通知书邮寄地址、邮编/Address and post code of approving for change of certification or notice of suspension, withdrawal, cancellation or resumption: 1.5 组织机构代码/Organization Code: 1.6联系人/Contact Person: 1.7电话/ Telephone: 1.8传真/Fax: 1.9电子邮件/E-mail: 1.10 移动电话/Mobile ...
If there is any change on certificate contents (applicant/manufacturer/name or address of factory), please apply the certificate modification in time, except that, if the change on applicant/ agency/manufacturer/ factory, please contact with engineer in time. 8、认证委托人获证后有关证书注销、...
2. CQC UK. "How We Publish Our Findings" 25 Aug. 2022. "The care provider must respond to areas of concern that we have identified, develop an action plan to address them and make improvements." 3. CQC UK. "The five key questions we ask." 25 Aug. 2022. "There are five questions...
No.Party AAddressLegal Represe ntativeCon tact PersonParty B: CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE 100070,Address :Legal Represe ntative:Con tact Pers onGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONSArticle 1 Part A and Part B hereby undertake to, in pursuanee of rel eva nt provisi ons of the Con trac 2、t...
Address Telephone Fax GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Article 1Part A and Part B hereby undertake to,in pursuance of relevant provisions of the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China,sign,observe and to be bound by the general terms and conditions agreed hereunder through equitable consulta...
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has reported its first in a new series of inspections of integrated care systems (ICS).
CQC管理体系认证合同英文 CQC 管理体系认证合同英文 Ref. No.Party A Address Legal Representative Contact Person Party B: CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE Address:Section 9, No.188, Nansihuan (the South Fourth Ring Road) Xilu (West Road), Beijing 100070, P.R.China Legal Representative:Contact ...
We can help you achieve your marketing objectives through a variety of marketing solutions, engaging your target audience in print, online and face to face. EMAP Publishing Limited Company number 7880758 (England & Wales) Registered address: C/O Top Right Group, The Prow, 1 Wilder Walk, Londo... CQC Certificate Vishay BCcomponents CERTIFICATE NO.: CQC20001274917 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT Vishay Components (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. 46 Renmin 4 road, Danshui Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdong, NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE MANUFACTURER VISHAY Electronic GmbH Geheim...