Hospital ratings Nuffield Health has a track record that spans over half a century, we have built a reputation for high standards of care, professionalism and expertise in delivering health services and we aim for continuous quality improvement in everything we do. When we commit to Quality, ...
A care home in Bristol is at risk of closure after inspectors found smells of urine, dried faeces in multiple places, and “unknown residues and debris on walls and floors”. Hillsborough House, a residential care home run by Freeways in Keynsham, Bristol, has been given the regul...
(covering services no longer inspected by CQC) Although an Inspection area may be Superseded globally for the purpose of new inspections, it will remain active (along with the ratings for that area) at a given organisation until it has been re-inspected under the superseding inspection area(s...
(covering services no longer inspected by CQC) Although an Inspection area may be Superseded globally for the purpose of new inspections, it will remain active (along with the ratings for that area) at a given organisation until it has been re-inspected under the superseding inspection area(s...
The success of a challenge will depend on the facts of each case, how much you dispute and what evidence you have to show statements are factually inaccurate. However, some providers we have assisted have seen significant improvements so the wording of their report, their ratings and the remov...
"Governments are always keen to prove that things are getting better under their watch". The CQC produces ratings that "bear little relation to the state of NHS services and how they have changed over the last few years", they conclude. Lead Image Credits: Getty Images...
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CQC Demands Care Home Takes Action To Improve Services, UK
Healthcare goes bust.The Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator of health and social care in England, this week told councils it considered there was a 'credible risk of service disruption' in the case of Allied Healthcare, one of the largest home care providers in England....
(covering services no longer inspected by CQC) Although an Inspection area may be Superseded globally for the purpose of new inspections, it will remain active (along with the ratings for that area) at a given organisation until it has been re-inspected under the superseding inspection area(s...