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CPU-Z中文版是一款权威的CPU处理器检测工具。CPU-Z最新版CPU检测工具支持CPU种类相当全面,软件的启动速度及检测速度也很快,能够准确的检测出CPU、主板、内存、显卡、SPD等相关信息,包含制造厂及处理器名称,核心构造及封装技术,内部外部频率,最大超频速度侦测,处理器相关可以使用的指令集等。 软件使用十分简单,下载后直...
CPU-Z free download. Get the latest version now. Gathers information on some of the main devices of your system.
CPU-Z, free and safe download. CPU-Z latest version: Free CPU identification tool. CPU-Z is a tool that provides detailed information about your curre
CPU-Z 2.14新版发布:正式支持RTX 5090/5080 硬件检测神软CPU-Z今日迎来新版本2.14,新增加了对两大新系列硬件的支持。一是RTX 5090、RTX 5080显卡。不过,更新日志并未明确提及中国特供版RTX 5090D,应该问题不大。二是AMD高端游戏本处理器锐龙9000HX系列(代号Fire Range),包括锐龙9 9955HX3D、锐龙9 9900...
1.百度搜索CPU-Z,找到标注有官网的连接,打开网站。(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ有官网标注的都是可信任网站 2.选择并点击“for Windows”,下载Windows版CPU-Z软件。φ(゜▽゜*)♪ 也有安卓版,可以自行尝试 3.在下载页面找到并下载CPU-Z version 1.91.0中文绿色版软件压缩包。(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ 软件小巧,选择用免安装...
CPU Z is a famous program that is used to access all the information about the hardware of a PC. Free Download for Windows and Mac
Download CPU-Z: CPU-Z, a widely recognized tool for hardware monitoring and system profiling, has recently updated to version 2.14 on February 8 (local time). This software, developed by CPUID, provides detailed information on processors, memory modules, and other essential components of a syste...
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