这里IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_0_UOPS_DELIV.CORE事件的说明为:Counts, on the per-thread basis, cycles when no uops are delivered to Resource Allocation Table (RAT)。即每个Thread没有uops发射的周期数,用这个周期数乘以流水线宽度,即可以得到前端延时过大所浪费的Slots数目,最后用该Slots数目除以总...
Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual, B.4.7.1 Understanding the Micro-op Delivery Rate 也就是说front end不能够及时把指令发给RAT (Resource Allocation Table), 这个通过stalled-cycle-front end是不一定能看出的。 那么一个无条件jmp指令怎么就能影响到front end, 并且还跟每个循环...
UOPS_EXECUTED.THREAD 4300326450480 ==》Number of uops to be executed per-thread each cycle. 对挖矿检测应该没啥用 UOPS_ISSUED.ANY 4063476095205 ==>Uops that Resource Allocation Table (RAT) issues to Reservation Station (RS). 对挖矿检测应该没啥用 UOPS_RETIRED.SLOTS 3905945858910 ==》Counts nu...
Step 1: Determine the total number of vCPUs to allocate to the virtual machine. To calculate virtual machine CPUs within the vSphere Client, multiply the number of sockets selected by the number of cores selected. This table provides the examples of socket determination based on CPU and Cores ...
SRATSystemResourceAffinityTableNUMA 平台上,操作系统启动期间依据此表进行配置。表头的约束见表8-13。 龙芯平台需要实现两种亲和结构: (),每个处理器核对应一个结构,见表; 1“ProcessorLocalAPIC/SAPICAffinityStructure”8-14 (),每个的连续内存段对应一个结构,见表。 2“MemoryAffinityStructure”Node8-15 表8-13...
The table below shows a summary of the minimum recommended resource requests and limits for the CPU and memory of each core Istio component. In Kubernetes, the resource request indicates that the workload will not be deployed on a node unless the node has at least the specified amount of mem...
UOPS_ISSUED.ANY (14, 0xe): Counts the number of uops that the Resource Allocation Table (RAT) issues to the Reservation Station (RS). UOPS_ISSUED.STALL_CYCLES (14, 0xe): Counts cycles during which the Resource Allocation Table (RAT) does not issue any Uops to the reservation station...
This table shows the allocation plan for this example (see Plan CPU and Memory Allocations). Domain Domain Type Cores Before Cores After Memory Before (GB) Memory After (GB) primary Dedicated 16 16 256 256 ssccn2-dom1 Dedicated 16 22 256 384 ssccn2-dom2 Dedicated 32 32 512 512 ssccn2-...
This table shows the allocation plan (see Plan CPU and Memory Allocations). Domain Domain Type Cores Before Cores After Memory Before (GB) Memory After (GB) primary Dedicated 12 18 1024 1536 ssccn3-dom1 Dedicated 36 30 3072 2560 ssccn3-dom2 Root N/A N/A...